Monday, 25 August 2008

What did you expect?

To read more of my rantings?

I am sorry to disappoint you but I will not be part of a "community" where it is considered okay to insult people with a mental illness indiscriminately, and moderators fail to see it as an insult to approximately 25% of its members.

Euphod ( Ed ). You have proven with your insults that your mind-set belongs to a person without any empathy or the tiniest bits of understanding what you say. I despise you for that and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Not only do you find it necessary to insult every person with any type of mental ilness you are also just a fucking hypocrite. Or are you running for moderator yourself? Is that the real reason for your behaviour on this 25th of August on the Auran Trainz forum? Because when I read this message I really couldn't stop laughing.

Euphod Euphod is online now
Bothering You Since 2001!

Originally Posted by Isaacg View Post
I wish it was.... hehe.... this country wouldn't be where it is today, IMVHO(In my VERY HONEST opinion) Its corrupt, and now its collapsing. Back to the shots. You've all done very well! (everyone in the background says: Thank you Mr. Grace!)


I'll thank you to keep your Anti American comments to yourself from now on, the very next time I see this continue I will report you for violating the COC. I have suffered your devisive comments enough, I suggest you end it here.

Aren't you the biggest joke on the forums Ed. Mean big Ed from the U.S of A comes in and threatens young Adam to report the kid with an honoust opinion to the Gestapo just because he tells you what thinks the U.S of fucking A indeed is.

Good for you Ed! People will be really proud of you. Fancy another few straw man arguments Ed? Of course you don't ... you yourself ARE already a straw man. Loser.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This had me laughing like no other blog I've ever read! Thanks, really, for the page!
BTW: it's "Honest"